Welcome to the Medela University

We invite you to explore the Medela University where you will find online courses on chest drain management. Please note that all courses are free of charge.

Getting started

There are many challenges associated with patients requiring chest drainage. This 3 lesson course gives an introduction to the use of a digital chest drainage and monitoring system. It explains the risks associated with traditional drains, the key factors in implementing change in practice and ways to justify changing to a digital chest drainage system.   Presenter Ian Naldrett Associate Director of Nursing at North Middlesex University Hospital - Responsible for Surgery Anesthetics and Critical Care  (UK) Read more

Welcome to the Chest Drain Management module, which examines what is a chest drain, where and why this is used along with different chest drainage systems. This course provides an excellent introduction to understanding and managing chest drainage.   This course is available in English, German, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish (click on the link for the language to access).    Please click on all + signs that you see in the course. Please click on all visual cards that ask you to "flip" them. You will not be able to advance to the next section unless you do and answer any questions in that section. There will be a some questions at the end of some sections of the training to check for comprehension. Good luck and enjoy the course.   Your Medela University Team   Please follow the below instructions to get to and complete the training course: Click the "Add" button to transfer your preferred course to your shopping cart. Click the "Proceed to Cart" button to check out. If you are a returning user, log-in with your personal log-in credentials. If you are a new user, please click on "Create an Account". By signing up you agree to our Data Protection Information. Back in your shopping cart, click on "Next Step Check Out". Return to dashboard to start your course.   This course is CPD (Continuing Professional Development) certified. This course is also endorsed by EfCCNa (European federation of Critical Care Nursing associations. Read more

This webinar explains how change was initiated by an ICU nurse and the experiences in a level 1 trauma center in Amsterdam. The two speakers start with their idea, how they gathered knowledge, took action and implemented the Thopaz+ digital chest drainage system. Additionally they share the challenges they overcame and their keys to success.   Presenters   Floris Brouwers Senior nurse trauma surgery, Amsterdam VUmc, the Netherlands   Indy Kelderman Researcher trauma surgery, Amsterdam VUmc, the Netherlands Read more

This video based course talks through step by step how to set up the Thopaz+ device, including tubing and canister connection. Ideally you should have the equipment in front of you to follow the steps or alternatively use the Thopaz+ Simulator App. This course is part of an educational package to enhance your knowledge and confidence using the Thopaz+ device. This course is available in English, German, French and Italian (click on the link for the language to access).  Read more

This 2-part course explains in simple terms the answers to the following questions: What are the advantages of regulated suction in a chest drainage system? How do analogue and digital chest drainage systems work? Read more

Vacuum therapy is essential in medicine. Surgical suction pumps are needed in many kind of surgeries. In clinical care it is relevant to understand terms like low vacuum source, airway suctioning or negative pressure therapy. But how does a vacuum system work? What is the difference between negative pressure and vacuum? What do the terms like suction and flow mean? In this video you find all these terms and the physical definition clearly explained and illustrated. Read more

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